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Love Reacquainted (Loves of London Book 1) Page 8
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Page 8
There was even a buzz of excitement among the servants. It had been many years since they’d celebrated Christmas in such a way.
Olivia paused on the stairs as she was going down to luncheon. She closed her eyes to breathe in the scents from all the garland and bunches of rosemary throughout the house.
“I believe it’s safe to say you’ve outdone yourself.”
The deep voice made Olivia jump. She’d not heard anyone approach from behind her. She looked back to find Cyrus a few steps above where she stood.
“It looks beautiful, Olivia.” As do you. He took in her white day dress that was covered in small embroidered sprays of greenery and had white lace along the ends of the sleeves and along the neckline. It must be one new arrivals because he did not remember seeing it before. It was very becoming on her, making her auburn hair look radiant.
“Oh, thank you for allowing me to decorate your home, Cyrus! It was such fun and I believe the servants enjoyed it as well.”
“I’m sure they did. I seem to be getting into quite the Christmas spirit myself.”
Cyrus had walked down to Olivia as they spoke and, taking her by the elbow, they now proceeded down to the dining room together.
It was quite some time before Josef joined them at the table, which was unusual. They began eating without him at Cyrus’s assurance he was likely playing or reading and would come when he was hungry.
Olivia was in the middle of detailing the festivities planned for later when Josef burst into the room, huffing as if he’d been running, his dusty brown hair askew.
“Josef! Where on earth have you been? And your hair! Have you been running?” Olivia waited as her son looked between her and Cyrus, but no answer was forthcoming.
Cyrus set down his glass calmly. “Caught up in another good book, eh?”
“Er…uh…I mean, ja, Your Grace. That’s where I’ve been. Reading.”
“Mmm. And just what, exactly, were you reading?” Olivia looked at Josef skeptically. He wasn’t one to lie to her, but something was off. Call it mother’s intuition.
“A book about…about…” Josef looked about the room for hints and eyeing the painting behind his mother’s head of a ship at sea said, “Pirates! Ja, a story about pirates…and treasure!”
“Well then, I can’t wait to hear all about it,” Olivia said, raising her eyebrows.
Cyrus cut in, “What do you say to a tour after we finish? You can show us all the completed decorations Olivia.”
“Oh, please Mutter? This will be such fun!”
“Well, I’m sure you’ve both seen garland before, but very well, if you insist.”
“Just don’t go into the drawing room until last! Ow!” Cyrus had kicked Josef under the table.
“What’s that?” Olivia looked at them back and forth. Neither would meet her eyes.
Cyrus dabbed at his mouth with his napkin, “Josef, how is that story coming along? Do the pirates have everything ready and in place?” Olivia just barely caught the wink he gave her son.
Josef smiled big and attempted a wink in return. “Ja, it’s ready! I mean, they are…in my book.”
Olivia put her fork down, having none of it. “Alright, you two, what’s really going on?”
“Pirates, Mutter, only pirates.”
“Pirates,” Cyrus repeated, turning a devilish grin on her. The gleam in his eye told her she wasn’t wrong. Something was going on, but she decided to let it go for now figuring she’d find out sooner or later.
The mid-day meal concluded, she led Cyrus and Josef on a “grand tour” of the main floor to see all of the decorations that had transformed the rooms. Nothing was overdone, yet Olivia’s simplistic taste still left the onlookers ooh’ing and ah’ing. Everything had been completed just this morning. Olivia had even missed breakfast to assist the servants in arranging everything.
As they entered the library, Josef skirted the left side of the doorway quickly. “Mutter has kissing boughs in every entrance! If you walk in at the same time as someone else, you have to kiss them!” He burst into peals of laughter.
“Well, I’ll have to be very careful then.” Cyrus glanced at Olivia as she looked about the room. Very careful to be caught under it with her.
Josef grabbed Olivia’s hand and pulled her from room to room to inspect everything. When they re-entered the dining room to examine it again she laughed. “Josef, we saw this room already at luncheon. And I do believe you’ve dragged me with you through nearly every doorway so you owe me a kiss.”
“Oh, I forgot already! I’m just so excited…”
Cyrus cleared his throat and gave the boy a stern look. Josef clamped his mouth shut, then quickly stood on his tiptoes to give Olivia a kiss. She bent so he could reach her cheek and gathered him into a hug.
Holding Josef, Olivia suddenly felt sadness wash over her. Her mother, father, and husband were all gone, and with Aunt Elizabeth away, she realized Josef was the only family she would have this Christmas. She held him tighter.
Seeing the sadness cross her face, Cyrus wanted to take Olivia in his arms and wipe it away, but that would have to wait. He had a surprise for her and could wait no longer.
“Well, how about we go see the drawing room?” Cyrus offered enthusiastically.
“Ja! Come Mutter!” Josef ran ahead, careful to exit the room alone.
Following her son with Cyrus close behind her, Olivia laughed. As they made their way across the large foyer, she explained that what would substitute for a Yule Log would arrive later that afternoon. It would be small enough for the fireplace of a townhouse and perhaps the servants could join them after supper to sing Christmas hymns. They would be delighted with the wreaths hanging in the windows, and— “Oh!”
Olivia stopped dead in her tracks. Josef was beaming up at her and if Cyrus hadn’t been careful he would have ran right into the back of her.
“Oh my goodness! Cyrus! What…what is this?” Still staring ahead, she didn’t move.
“Why, my dear, I believe you should know a pianoforte when you see one.”
“I know what it is, but what is it doing here?” Olivia recognized it as the one she’d played in the shop last week. But why had he purchased it? Cyrus didn’t know how to play.
“Well, after I heard you play that day in the shop, I had to agree with Mr. Fre-der-ic,” Cyrus mimicked the man’s French accent. “I’ve never heard anything quite so beautiful. The piano deserves to be played by the best and you are the best. And what would Christmas be with no music around? Don’t worry about moving it, I can keep it for you here if Elizabeth does not have room. That is, until you are more permanently settled.” He wouldn’t think about with whom.
At that, Olivia turned to face Cyrus and looked up at him with those wide blue eyes. Her voice was barely above a whisper, “You mean, this is for…me?”
She couldn’t comprehend why he would do this. It was too much. And now there was also the matter of her wardrobe he had paid for. She still had that to discuss with him as well. “I…Your Grace…I can’t accept this. It’s…it’s too much!”
Cyrus’s gaze on her darkened as he stepped closer. “It is nothing. Someone of your talent cannot be separated from their instrument. I had forgotten just how beautifully you played until I heard you last week. I promised your father I’d see that his wishes for you were carried out and I know he wanted to see to it that you continued with your music. Consider this my keeping a promise to your father.”
Olivia’s eyes filled with tears. How could she refuse him? “Thank you, Your Grace. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”
Cyrus reached up to caress her cheek with his thumb and swiped at a lone tear that had escaped down her cheek. Giving her a half-smile, he said, “Well, for starters, you can call me Cyrus again.”
Olivia smiled, she’d been so surprised she’d forgotten and used formality. “Yes, Cyrus.”
“Mutter, Mutter! Look where you’re both standing! You’re un
der the kissing bough!”
Cyrus didn’t even need to look up. He knew exactly where they stood. Eyes on Olivia, he raised a dark brow, “Well, we can’t go and break tradition, now, can we? Rules are rules.”
Olivia felt a flutter in her middle. “No, I suppose we can’t.” Oh, she prayed it wasn’t a dream this time!
Cyrus leaned in to kiss her cheek and Olivia closed her eyes in anticipation.
She felt an instant heat on her lips instead.
The kiss was brief and chaste, his lips pressed lightly on hers. But inside, Olivia felt a whirlwind of fire begin in her middle and fan outward. She barely registered there was clapping, likely from Josef, but it was as if time stood still while the room spun about them. When Cyrus pulled away, it took a moment before she could bring her eyes up to look at him.
Then she saw it. There. In his eyes. There was that look she’d seen in the carriage that day returning from St. James. She’d been married before. She recognized that was desire in his eyes.
The pianoforte was all forgotten.
Cyrus had known he wouldn’t simply kiss her on the cheek. His attraction to Olivia was so strong and only growing with each day that he had finally admitted it to himself and no longer fought it, though he did not know where it could possibly lead. She’d be gone in a matter of a week or two, and with the age difference that separated them, there was nothing that could materialize for them anyhow. He just knew that for the time he had her here he wanted to enjoy it as much as possible. When she left, well, his life would simply return to how it was before—a lonely, miserable, wretched mess.
Cyrus was not, however, prepared for how his body would respond to the small kiss. When she finally looked up at him, he saw his own desire mirrored in her eyes and the realization made his heart nearly beat out of his chest. If Josef had not been watching, he would have pulled her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly until—
Well, as it was, Josef was present.
Cyrus cleared his throat, his voice sounding husky even to his own ears, “Well. Now we have satisfied tradition. How about you play us a song?”
“Oh, ja Mutter! Play! Was this not the best surprise? We planned the whole thing and His Grace paid me 8 shillings to keep it a secret!”
Olivia, still dazed, slowly made her way to the pianoforte and sat down.
She never knew what song she played that afternoon. Her fingers played effortlessly from years of experience, but her mind was on that kiss and the man who kept his dark eyes on her throughout the entire song.
That evening after supper, the three of them went into the drawing room to exchange their gifts. The next day would be a busy one with a Christmas service in the morning, delivering small Christmas boxes to the poor afterward, and the ball in the evening, so it seemed this evening would be the best opportunity for opening gifts.
Josef exclaimed over his new books and toy. He ran to hug both Cyrus and Olivia, giving her a kiss as well.
Olivia feigned surprise when she opened her pin from Josef, declaring it the most beautiful pin she’d ever seen as she pinned it to the white fichu she wore.
Cyrus was genuinely surprised at his gloves from Josef and cologne from Olivia. “For Aunt Elizabeth’s husband, eh,” he smiled, raising a brow.
“I hope you like it. I’m afraid it pales in comparison to a pianoforte though,” she laughed.
“It’s perfect.” It would be impossible to wear it without thinking of Olivia every time.
“Can we light the pretend Yule log now Mutter?”
“I’ll call the servants to join us.” Cyrus nodded to the footman by the door. Within minutes the large room was filled with the entire household. The “Yule log” was lit and Olivia sat at the pianoforte to play. As everyone joined in singing, Cyrus distributed the Christmas boxes containing their bonuses to the servants. Charles, William, and Cook were all surprised at the extra gift they received this year, each responding with “Thank you, Your Grace.” Those who received scarves from Olivia exclaimed over them, her gesture endearing her to them even more.
The remainder of the evening was spent in song as cups of wassail were passed around. After the last song was sung, the servants all returned to their duties. Josef yawned and struggled to keep his eyes open, so Olivia sent him off to bed with a kiss and a promise to be up soon to tuck him in. As she watched him go, she became very aware that Cyrus was the only one remaining in the room, even the footman had gone.
Finally, she looked at him. “My, what a wonderful evening. I don’t remember the last time I sang or played so much. Thank you for helping Josef have a wonderful Christmas.”
He walked over and picked up a small box she hadn’t noticed before from a side table beside the sofa. “Well it appears it’s not over yet. You have one more gift left to open.”
“What? Cyrus, no. The pianoforte itself was too much! What have you done?”
Cyrus smiled and walked over to where she sat on the bench. He handed her the small box and knelt down beside her as she unwrapped it from the simple brown paper.
Her fingers trembled so much she thought she would never get it opened. Finally, she succeeded and gasped.
It was the sapphire bracelet from the jeweler’s.
She shook her head vehemently. There was no way she could accept it. “Cyrus, this really is too much. Why are you doing this? I can’t accept it. And there’s the piano. Oh, we haven’t even discussed my wardrobe! No…” She couldn’t keep from rambling.
Lifting it from her hands, Cyrus ignored her protests and went to clasp it around her wrist. “Olivia, I’ve been a miserable wretch for four years. You being here has brought life back into this house, into me. It is merely my feeble attempt to repay you. And just as the pianoforte deserves to be played by you, this bracelet can only be worn by one who’s very eyes put these stones to shame.”
“Cyrus, I…”
Without warning, Cyrus drew Olivia into his arms and kissed her. Softly at first, and then with more intensity. The small kiss from earlier had left him thinking of nothing else and if he was being honest with himself, it was what he’d wanted to do from the moment she had arrived.
Olivia couldn’t breathe from the initial shock. His lips pressed on hers more firmly than they had earlier that day. They were warm and oh, so wonderful. As they moved over her own, she began to respond to him.
He pulled her closer and she felt his hard chest pressed up against her. As he crushed his mouth against hers, she willingly complied, allowing him to deepen the kiss. She placed her hands on his chest before slipping them inside his coat, moving to his back. Even through his waistcoat, she could feel every muscle.
Cyrus wrapped his arms tighter about her, relishing the feel of her softness pressed up against him. She felt perfect in his arms, like she belonged there. It seemed there was no end to his desire for Olivia. He wanted more.
He couldn’t.
The realization hit him hard. She wasn’t his…wouldn’t even be staying here much longer. What was he doing? He was a more wretched man than he thought.
Begrudgingly, he broke the kiss and pulled away, leaving Olivia dazed. They simply sat for a moment, just staring at each other, their breathing labored in the firelight.
“Merry Christmas, Olivia.” His voice was ragged when he finally spoke. He took her hand and gently placed a kiss on it. As he rose, still holding her hand, she followed.
“Merry Christmas, Cyrus.” Olivia whispered.
Neither could say anything else in the moment, so they simply turned and walked to her bedchamber in silence. Olivia didn’t dare look at him until they arrived, then finally she turned to face him.
Looking intently into her eyes, Cyrus struggled internally. It took all his strength to keep from pulling her into his arms again. Finally, he simply whispered, “Goodnight.”
Cyrus turned to leave and Olivia stood there, watching him go. What was happening between them? It was as if her dreams about the one perso
n she knew she could never have were finally coming true.
Chapter Nine
After the way Cyrus had kissed her and touched her, the gifts, everything, Olivia was unable to sleep a wink. All her previous fears and trepidation about being unwanted here had melted away.
However, Christmas dawned a different day. All throughout breakfast, Cyrus avoided Olivia’s eyes, conversing mostly with Josef. They then rode to the Christmas service in silence, other than when Josef had something to say or to ask.
There was no opportunity for conversation afterwards, for they were to deliver the Christmas boxes to the poor. There was such a flurry of activity and Olivia found herself separated from Cyrus, both of them surrounded by servants and recipients at each stop.
That was followed by another quiet ride home, and as soon as they walked through the door, Cyrus excused himself to his study. Just before walking away, he curtly reminded Olivia to be ready for the ball by eight o’clock.
The only explanation Olivia could conjure up for Cyrus’s sudden change of behavior was that he now regretted everything that had passed between them. If he’d been unsure, why had he spent so much money on gifts, even purchasing her wardrobe?
Well, he has plenty of money, she reasoned. And it likely was not as great a deal a sum to him as it was to her. Perhaps he had felt some greater obligation to her for her father’s sake.
And now there was the matter of the ball tonight. He’d already confirmed their attendance so he wouldn’t back out now, but his behavior all day led Olivia to believe he did not want to attend at all. Not with her anyway.
Well, the fact was she did still have to attend with him. Might as well make the best of it. She had to become reacquainted with London society sooner or later. And there was Lady Wainwright’s son she was expecting to meet who Cyrus had thought may make a possible tutor for Josef.
Yes, even if she would not enjoy herself in Cyrus’s company tonight, she would still do her best to have a nice time. Tonight should still prove to be beneficial in other areas.
It had taken everything in Cyrus not to even glance at Olivia once all morning. At least they’d had a full schedule to keep preoccupied during the morning and early afternoon. The carriage rides were what had proven the most difficult at avoiding her questioning glances, but at least Josef’s chatter had filled the void.