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Love Reacquainted (Loves of London Book 1) Page 6
Love Reacquainted (Loves of London Book 1) Read online
Page 6
Olivia awoke the next morning feeling completely refreshed. She stretched, yawning, before realizing she still wore the same clothes as the previous evening. It all came back to her then, the game of hide-and-seek and falling asleep in the stairwell. Someone must have found her and carried her back here, but who?
As she sat up in bed, her maid entered, “Good morning, Milady.”
“Good morning, Mary. I must have had a deep sleep last night. I don’t even remember how I got here.”
“I’ll say. His Grace said you were far gone when he found you in the hidden stairs. Carried you back here himself, he did.”
Ah, that would explain the cause of the dream she remembered having and why she could even smell him in her dream.
She blushed as it all came back to her—she was sitting in the carriage saying goodbye that day so many years ago, but in the dream she was twenty-eight, not sixteen. And Josef was sitting in the carriage with her, not her parents. Cyrus had popped his head in to say goodbye and turned those dark eyes on her. He was so close and she could smell a scent of musk and…man. She’d leaned in and—asked him to kiss her. Begged would actually be more accurate.
It was only a dream after all, and no one had been shocked. She’d closed her eyes, wrapped her arms around his neck, and waited. The next thing she knew, she was waking up in her room.
As her maid assisted in readying her for the day, she thought about having to face Cyrus at breakfast. Not that he would ever know about her dream or even how much she had wanted to say those same words in real life all those years ago—she had developed an infatuation for him somewhere around her fifteenth birthday, not that anyone had ever noticed.
Except, perhaps Aunt Elizabeth. She had always noticed those things.
But Olivia had grown up far away from him and prior to her return had thought she’d forgotten all about her old feelings for Cyrus. Apparently, her subconscious knew better.
Thank goodness it was just a dream. She’d not actually asked him to kiss her.
Olivia joined Cyrus and Josef at the breakfast table. After her week in solitude, they had not missed a breakfast together since.
“Ah, our champion has risen!” Cyrus declared as she entered.
Taking her seat, Olivia could feel his dark eyes on her and sensed something…different. Curiosity perhaps? You’re imagining things. Yes, imagining. He had no way of knowing about her dream.
“But she broke the rules! Mutter, you went to another floor to get to the staircase,” Josef pouted slightly.
“If you’ll remember Josef, I said we could only hide on this floor. And where she hid in the stairwell was on the same level. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.” Cyrus winked at Josef and ruffled his hair.
“I suppose...” Then perking up, he said, “Mutter, we looked and looked and couldn’t find you anywhere! Even Charles said you must have turned into a ghost and floated away. You must be the queen of hide-and-seek!”
“Here, here!” Cyrus grinned and raised his glass.
Yes, something is different. Something about his eyes…
“Oh, thank you, thank you.” Olivia laughed, acting as if she were royalty addressing her subjects. “I hope you don’t require a speech, for I fear I haven’t prepared one.”
“Speech! Speech!” Josef clapped.
“I believe your mother already did quite a lot of talking last night.” Cyrus leveled a steady gaze on her, arching one brow, a smile tugging at one side of his mouth.
Olivia went white. No! That had all been a dream. There was no way she’d actually asked Cyrus to kiss her out loud!
Was there?
He quickly turned to Josef, changing the conversation. Olivia looked down and began pushing her breakfast around on her plate, suddenly not very hungry. If she’d spoken aloud while she dreamed, there would have been no mistaking what she wanted. She’d been very…insistent, even saying his name.
She chanced a peek at him. He was in animated conversation, telling Josef about something or other he’d done when he was his age. He seemed to have forgotten all about Olivia, which was fine by her. Maybe she’d misunderstood his meaning. Maybe she hadn’t actually spoken her dreamed desires aloud.
And, what if she had? She sat up a little straighter. Cyrus knew she was asleep and would pay anything she may have said no mind. Yes, everything is fine.
She peeked again and this time caught him watching her. He winked.
What had she done?
Cyrus was enjoying making Olivia squirm. He was beginning to see she must have remembered whatever that dream she’d had was about, but had no clue she’d spoken the words aloud. After making that pretty blush return with a wink, he decided he’d better not push too far. He did not want to be the cause of her attempts at solitude again.
The past few days they had all spent together had been like a dream of his own. He hadn’t realized how much he craved human interaction—something he’d purposefully tried to resist. He’d come to learn just how kind and loving Olivia was, especially as a mother. And Josef was a charming child and well-behaved. Cyrus had selfishly taken advantage of the colder weather and not suggested any outings so he could enjoy more time at home with them, but he realized they could not stay cooped up here forever.
He had a plan.
“Hey, I have a grand idea! I have some business required of me near St. James today. Would the two of you care to join me? I know it’s cold, but we could have luncheon there, and Josef you mentioned yesterday needing a Christmas present for your mother. We could explore the shops as well. My business won’t take long and I could catch up to you all quickly.”
Olivia, suddenly forgetting her embarrassment, beamed, “Oh, what a grand idea! I do have some shopping to do myself. Sounds like a lovely plan to me.” As nice as the past several days had been staying in and spending time with Josef and Cyrus, she was ready for an outing at last. No matter if it was cold.
“Yay! And you can help me find the perfect present for Mutter!” Josef looked at Cyrus. “Everything I make always breaks.”
“Now Josef, you know I don’t need anything. And I always love what you make me, but if you’re determined, I suppose giving you a small sum to spend won’t hurt. Nothing more though, understood?”
“Yes, Mutter.” Josef laughed then as Cyrus winked at him.
“Well then, it’s settled. Can you all be ready to go in an hour?”
Olivia smiled, excited for the outing. “Yes, we’ll be ready.” Josef nodded in agreement.
“Very well, I shall see you both in an hour’s time.” Cyrus set his paper aside and stood to leave. Olivia and Josef were not far behind in going to their rooms.
It was looking to shape up to be a very fine day indeed.
An hour later, Cyrus made his way to the foyer in his home. Dressed in gray breeches and matching frock coat with a dark blue waistcoat, he whistled a merry tune as Charles helped him into his black greatcoat. “A fine day this is, isn’t it Charles?”
“I suppose. If you prefer cold, overcast, and dreary, Your Grace.”
Charles handed Cyrus his black hat as he continued to whistle the same tune. He took it and brushed the top with his hand and then set it on top of his head with a flourish. “Charles, my good man, that’s your problem. You only see the gloom of a situation.”
“I suppose so, Your Grace.” Charles grinned as he resumed his post position. He had not seen the Duke of Alston as carefree as he had been these past few days in many years. He knew who was to credit for that and hoped she would not be leaving any time soon. The household had all loved the late Duchess of Alston, but she was gone and it was high time for life to return to their house, not to mention to the Duke himself.
At the sudden sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, Cyrus and Charles turned to see Josef racing toward the door. “Whoa, my boy! Where’s the fire?” Cyrus laughed, reaching an arm out to slow him.
Panting, Josef exclaimed, “I had to beat Mutter! I wanted to make sure you hadn’t forgotten to help me today.”
“Ah, of course I haven’t forgotten! I will stay with you both for a while before I must leave. While I am gone, once my business is concluded, I will purchase your gift for your mother before I join you for a meal. You only have to tell me what it is you want to get her once you find it. Before I leave, of course.”
“Ja! Mutter will be so surprised, will she not? She will never see me buy anything and will not have any idea!”
“Yes, you were very clever to ask me to join in your little conspiracy.” Cyrus’s dark eyes twinkled. “Just don’t breathe a word to your mother or it will all be ruined!” He put on a most serious expression.
“On my honor!” Josef said solemnly.
Cyrus smirked. Who would have thought he’d have got on so well with the lad?
Charles cleared his throat and Cyrus knew that to mean Olivia was coming. He glanced at Josef, “Alright, hush now.”
He turned to see her descending the stairs, and unlike Josef’s running, she glided down gracefully. She was wearing a dark navy dress and a matching hat with a light blue feather plume that sat on top of her auburn curls. She already had on a light blue mantelet trimmed in white fur, the neckline matching that of her dress. Her hands were inside a white fur muff, prepared for the chilly December day.
Cyrus thought she looked beautiful. Her blue eyes were bright and a soft pink hue tinged her cheeks. Yes, today would be a very good day indeed.
“What are you two whispering about?” Olivia eyed Cyrus and Josef with suspicion.
“We weren’t whispering about anything, Mutter.”
“Uh, just discussing our plans for the day. I was just saying I will be able to see you to a few of the shops when we first arrive before I must leave. But, I shall rejoin you for a late luncheon. Well, if we’re ready, shall we go?”
“Yay!” Josef ran out the door to the coach waiting below.
Olivia took Cyrus’s arm and allowed him to lead her out there as well. She would never tire of the feeling of her arm in his. She felt so secure, something that she had felt was missing in her life for the past few years.
Settled inside the fine coach—Olivia seated next to Cyrus, because Josef had declared he wanted the “whole seat” to himself—they chatted about where to stop, what to see, that the weather was cold but not miserable, and where to eat luncheon.
“Well, there’s plenty of taverns to choose from. If you want to try something new, there is Wilton’s Oyster Rooms.”
“Oysters?” Josef wrinkled his nose.
“Now Josef, you’ve never even tried them. No point in declaring your dislike beforehand.” Olivia laughed. “I think it sounds like fun!”
“Very well, Wilton’s it is. Unless, Josef, you are scared to try them.” Cyrus winked at the boy.
Josef puffed out his chest. “Me? I’m not scared! I’ll try them…but it doesn’t mean I’ll like them!”
They arrived at St. James and the coach pulled over to let them out. Cyrus gave John his instructions and then they departed to explore the shops. As they walked, discussing where to stop first—a bookstore, Josef suggested—a sweet-smelling aroma wafted their way. As they drew closer to the source, Olivia looked up to see a sign for Harris’s Apothecary. “Oh, let’s do go in! I may find some lovely perfume for Aunt Elizabeth.”
As Cyrus opened the door for her, a little bell jingled overhead. Olivia entered the shop to see many beautiful bottles of sweet-smelling perfume and cologne. A man looked up from the counter, Henry Harris, the owner himself as he made introduction, and asked if there was anything in particular the pretty lady had in mind.
“Some perfume for my aunt as a Christmas present,” and as another thought occurred to her she quickly added, “and some cologne—for my new uncle.”
Cyrus kept Josef entertained and out of trouble as Olivia smelled this bottle and that as offered by Mr. Harris. For Aunt Elizabeth, she settled on a bottle of rose-scented perfume that reminded Olivia of the roses she remembered her aunt keeping in her gardens when she had visited as a child. For Cyrus, er, her new uncle, she smelled bottle after bottle of cologne. What would a man like? Maybe this was too personal of a gift for someone she’d really only truly become acquainted with these past couple of weeks—few days really, considering her previous solitude and all.
“Perhaps this one?” Mr. Harris held up yet another bottle. Olivia bent her head to take a whiff. A scent washed over her senses of something musk and…and a spice she couldn’t quite put her finger on, but it was perfect. Perfect for not just any man, but perfect for…him.
“That’s it. I’ll take it.”
“Very well, Madam. Would the lady care for anything else?”
“No, just the perfume and this cologne, thank you. Oh, and do wrap them carefully, please. We have other stops to make and I would hate for them to get broken.”
“Certainly, my lady.”
“Find what you were looking for?” Cyrus had walked up beside Olivia as Mr. Harris directed an assistant to wrap her purchases. Josef was looking out the window to see where they should go next. Olivia breathed in his own scent and thought the cologne she chose for him would compliment him perfectly. “Yes, I found exactly what I wanted, and on our first stop too.”
Olivia did not expect him to even consider giving Christmas gifts to her or Josef, but she had wanted to find something for him as a way to say thank you for his kindness after what her Aunt Elizabeth had done to him. She’d wracked her brain trying to come up with an idea and suddenly, cologne seemed just the thing. She prayed he would buy her excuse of purchasing it for her aunt’s new husband. She wanted it to be a surprise.
“I can arrange to have one of the footmen pick up the packages later.”
“Oh, no, but thank you. Something about carrying wrapped packages puts one more in the Christmas spirit, does it not?”
Cyrus grinned at her excitement. “You are no better than Josef, you know. But very well, if you wish to trudge all over town with purchases then that is what we shall do.” He gave her a wink which got his arm playfully nudged in return. He found himself relieved at Olivia’s growing comfort around him.
Purchases in hand, Olivia, Cyrus, and Josef walked out of Harris’s. “I believe I know of a bookstore a little further down,” Cyrus said, and offering his arm to Olivia, they continued on their way.
“Oh, yes!” Josef exclaimed. His little ruddy cheeks were pink partly from excitement and partly from the cold air.
Making their way down the street, Cyrus couldn’t help but notice the stares they received from passers-by. Olivia was a striking beauty and having her on his arm garnered knowing looks from the men and jealousy from the women. No doubt they made quite the sight—her beauty, his comparative age, and a young child whom most would assume was his.
He felt a sudden sense of satisfaction at the thought of others assuming Olivia and Josef were his family. Perhaps too much. He’d do well to remember they’d be leaving soon.
He glanced down at Olivia. Good heavens, she was beautiful.
Well, he would simply enjoy himself today in her company. Besides, she appeared to be busy scanning the shops as they passed. It’s not as if she knew his thoughts. She likely did not notice the stares she attracted at all.
On the contrary, Olivia was very aware of their stares. She supposed it was only due to the handsome man accompanying her. Never mind he was a duke. She cared about the man, not the title. She felt her own sense of pride at being escorted by the man she still considered the most handsome she’d ever seen.
If only she knew if he felt the same about her.
“Here we are!” Josef announced as they stepped in front of a bookstore. He shot through the door and immediately went off in search of a new adventure to read.
Olivia whispered to Cyrus to keep Josef distracted while she purchased a gift for him. She didn’t want her gift spoiled, even if he e
xpected to open a book for Christmas anyway. He gave her another wink and made his way over to Josef. Her stomach gave a little flop. He had a way of making her feel that the now-familiar half-smile and a wink he gave her was one he saved only for her.
She liked to think so anyway.
She perused the shelves for a few minutes and settled on a book of recipes of scientific experiments for children. He loved reading about everything (except music, of course) and this would be something they could enjoy together—if he let her help him with the experiments, that is. She glanced over to see Josef fully engrossed in a book he’d selected. She made her way over to the counter to make her purchase and slipped it inside her mantelet. Catching Cyrus’s eye—which wasn’t difficult, it seemed it was always on her—she nodded that she was done.
Cyrus leaned down and whispered something to Josef.
“Oh ja! I almost forgot,” she heard him say.
She was about to ask what Cyrus had said, but before she knew it they were walking up to her and Josef said, “Let’s go!”
“You don’t want to purchase that book Josef?” Olivia was surprised. She’d given Josef an allowance to get something for himself and he never passed up a new book.
“Nein Mutter, maybe later.”
As they made their way back out into the street, Josef said, “Look Mutter! Jewelry!” She saw he was pointing to a jeweler’s shop two doors down.
Ah, he means to look for my Christmas present. “I don’t know Josef, it looks expensive. Maybe we will find another shop to visit.”
He shot a pleading glance to Cyrus, “Oh please Mutter? Can’t we just look?”
Olivia gave in, willing to humor him. “Very well, but just to look. I can’t imagine an eight-year-old boy would have much use for expensive jewels anyway.”
“Mutter…” he groaned.
They entered the shop and the pieces of jewelry on display sparkled their welcome. To their left, a man behind the counter wearing a powdered wig and dressed in bright purple smiled. “May I help you?”
“We want to look at jewelry,” Josef exclaimed.
The man laughed, “Well, my boy, you have come to the right place. Anything in particular you’d like to see?”