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Love Reacquainted (Loves of London Book 1) Page 3
Love Reacquainted (Loves of London Book 1) Read online
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He noticed Olivia—Lady von Klor, why couldn’t he remember that?—bristle. She straightened her spine, smoothing her sage green skirts, and glanced down at her son. Cyrus sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He had forgotten about the child already and let his irritation get the better of him.
Lady von Klor spoke, “I apologize for my Aunt’s unwanted request. I had no knowledge she had done such a thing! Though I still do not understand why or where she is.” Her words were strained.
“Forgive me, my lady. I’m afraid I am out of sorts this evening. I did not mean unwanted, I was merely caught unexpectedly. You see, your aunt has gone and eloped—to a Lord Brighton. She was on her way there when she informed me of your return. And now she is enjoying a honeymoon somewhere on the continent, as apparently it is the only opportunity her new husband will have to travel for quite some time.”
His guest stood there speechless, those deep blue eyes staring off into space.
“Mutter, does that mean we have a new uncle?” Josef tugged on Olivia’s sleeve and she looked down at him distractedly.
Why do I keep forgetting about the child? Perhaps he shouldn’t have begun this discussion with Josef present. “Charles?” He knew the old butler would be just outside the door.
The man entered quickly and bowed, “Yes, Your Grace?”
“If it suits the lady, would you go ahead and show Josef on to the dining room?” Cyrus glanced to Olivia for approval and she nodded. He turned back to Charles. “You can give him a little history lesson as you pass by the family portraits on the the way. We will be along in a moment.”
“Yes, Your Grace.” Turning to Josef, Charles said, “You may follow me.”
“Go along, Josef. We’ll only be a moment.” Touching his cheek, Olivia smiled.
“Ja, Mutter. But you must tell me the good part later!” Off Josef skipped, following a very amused-looking Charles.
“Eloped! I don’t believe it!”
The sound of Olivia’s voice brought Cyrus’s attention back to the lady he was all-too-aware of, especially now that they were alone together. Suddenly, his cravat felt too constricting about his throat.
She, however, appeared too upset to notice. “Why, I even received a letter just the day before we left Vienna and it spoke nothing of a betrothal or of Lord Brighton! She’s mentioned him in the past, but it sounded as if he was nothing more than an acquaintance.”
“According to her, it was all rather sudden.”
“I’ll say! And so we have been rather dumped in your lap, at your inconvenience! I must apologize for my aunt again. I know she has always been rather…”
“Impulsive? Rash? Headstrong?”
Olivia smirked. “Yes, all of the above. But to inconvenience you like this, when she knew for weeks we were coming…I just can’t believe it! And for how long will she be gone?”
“Three weeks.” Cyrus watched as Olivia paled again. He wanted to say something to bring that smirk back. “But in Elizabethan fashion, she’s thought of everything. She even reminded me that as your guardian, I’m the most logical choice—so it’s not even improper,” he added dryly.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work. She blanched, “I hadn’t even thought of that!”
She began wringing her hands with worry and Cyrus barely managed to keep from taking them in his own. Just to prevent her from hysterics, of course. It wouldn’t do to have her faint in his drawing room.
A major inconvenience, indeed.
Just to be safe, he clasped his hands behind his back, steeling his stance. Suddenly, she stilled and looked up at him wide-eyed. “I-I can attempt to contact past acquaintances of mine and see if they can house us until she returns.”
After all the trouble he’d gone through to ready the household—and himself—for their arrival after Elizabeth’s surprise, and she was just going to leave? He felt his irritation return and frowned, “You will do no such thing!”
Perhaps he shouldn’t bark at her.
Clearing his throat, he tried again. “What’s done is done. You and Josef are welcome here for the time being until Elizabeth returns and I will hear no more on the matter.”
There. That was better.
The hesitation on her face told him it wasn’t.
“Very well, Your Grace. I thank you for your…hospitality. Josef and I will do our best not to disturb you these next three weeks.”
He frowned further. That wasn’t what he’d wanted. Alright, it had been—until just a few moments ago.
Fine. He’d already planned his schedule to be busy the next few days anyway, so he wouldn’t have to see her at all if that’s what she wanted. Clearly, she was thrilled to be staying here.
Cyrus was done talking. Wanting to leave, he ceremoniously offered Olivia his arm. “Well, now that that’s settled, we shouldn’t keep Josef waiting. Shall we?”
She didn’t answer, but looked at his arm as if unsure of what to do. Clearly, she didn’t want to be here, with him.
Agitated, he looked away toward the door, but then tensed as he felt a small hand take his arm. A very warm, delicate hand.
A tingling sensation shot up his arm then, something he hadn’t felt in four years, and before that, only ever with Lydia.
Perhaps avoidance would be for the best.
Chapter Four
An hour later, Olivia was walking Josef back to their suite for an early bedtime. Supper had been a mostly quiet affair as her son was exhausted from days of traveling and she was feeling less and less at ease. His Grace had barely spoken a word throughout the entire meal, except to inform Josef that Charles could show him the library in the morning. He would be away himself attending to some business or other—a fact that Olivia wasn’t certain if she felt relieved or regretful about.
“I like this big house, Mutter! I have the biggest bed I’ve ever slept in and I can’t wait to go s’ploring and to the library and—“
Olivia looked down at her son walking beside her. “There will be no s’ploring Josef. We are guests in His Grace’s home, not busybodies. The library will be all since he has already offered.”
“Ja, Mutter.” Josef quieted beside her before brightening, “I wager he has five-hundred, no, five-thousand books! I’ve never seen that many. I only hope I can finish them all before Aunt Elizabeth returns!”
His outrageous enthusiasm had Olivia laughing and before she knew it, they had arrived at their rooms.
“Here we are Josef. In you go.” She guided him into the sitting room with a hand to his back.
“Mutter, you said that we would be here for three weeks?”
“So it seems. At least, that’s what Aunt Elizabeth told His Grace.” His Grace. Olivia’s face warmed then at remembering the man’s sudden request at supper for her to use his given name.
“We will have a grand time here, I just know it!” Josef’s voice brought her back to the present.
Taking a cue from her son, Olivia tried to muster up just as much optimism about their situation.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
“Well, we will be just fine Josef. Now off to bed with you. Mind Edith and if you need me, I’m just across the way here.”
“Ja, Mutter. Goodnight.” Josef reached to give her a kiss and went off to bed.
Olivia sighed and turned to enter her own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, in all its green glory.
Cyrus, you must call me Cyrus. Where had that even come from? He had seemed perturbed during most of the meal. Then he had interrupted her as she was in the middle of answering a question from him to make his request.
It had shocked her speechless. That alone appeared to be enough to garner another scowl from him before he’d returned his attention to his meal. No doubt he regretted making the request.
Regretted that they were here.
Exhaustion settled over Olivia and she rang for Mary to assist her. No use in worrying further tonight. She was ready for sleep at the moment more than anything else
Lying in his four-poster mahogany bed, Cyrus threw off the covers. He’d been tossing and turning for hours and now he found it dreadfully hot. What time is it anyway?
As if on cue, his mantle clock struck two in the morning.
As the chiming ended, Cyrus swore he could still hear the faintest melody. He strained to listen and it seemed to be coming from somewhere outside his room.
“What the—?” He sat up in his bed. Was that someone humming? Who in their right mind would be wandering the halls at this time of night, humming no less?
Groaning, Cyrus climbed out of bed and wrapped his dark maroon banyan around him. He might as well go see what, or who, was making this ridiculous noise. Sleep seemed to be eluding him anyhow. Not that it was an unusual occurrence, but the cause behind tonight’s insomnia was a new one. One that looked quite exquisite in sage green silk.
It appeared his troubles from giving in to Elizabeth were only just beginning.
Olivia was used to sleepless nights, especially over the past year. Having had someone sleep beside you for years to then suddenly be gone, it was a difficult thing to adjust to. In Austria, her solution was always to sit at the pianoforte and quietly play the loneliness away. However, here that was not an option.
Even as exhausted as she had been, she found that she was wide awake. Restless, she decided to get up and walk. Perhaps she would go to the library and see if she could find something to read to occupy her mind. Josef would not be happy if she got a glimpse of the library first, but she didn’t have to mention it to him.
Wearing her thin white linen chemise, the white dressing gown that was so special to her, and a night cap, she slipped out of her room. A few candles were kept lit in the hall by the night servants and she began to make her way to the library. Not that she actually knew where it was, but she figured she would be able to find it easily, likely on the main floor.
Humming a soft tune, she made her way down the hall. She rounded a corner and was almost to the stairs and—
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” Dazed, Olivia looked up and right into the face of—“Your Grace,” she quickly amended. He was holding her steady and she noticed her arms burned even through her nightclothes from his touch. Actually, the front of her thighs and torso as well as she had walked right into him and he had not stepped back or let her go.
“Do you make it a habit to roam other people’s houses at night or is this simply a case of sleepwalking?”
The light was dim and she was unable to read his dark eyes. “No, Your Grace. I’m afraid sleep evades me often these days and so I decided to go in search of a good book.”
“Don’t let Josef hear you saw the library before him. And I told you, you are to call me Cyrus. We have known each other for far too long.” Warning bells were now going off in Cyrus’s mind at the intimacy of their situation and he felt compelled to add, “I have been like an uncle to you, no?”
No, definitely not. “Very well, Cyrus, and you must call me Olivia.”
“With pleasure, Olivia.”
His statement caused her face to warm and she rushed to fill the silence. “I’m sorry if I disturbed you. I did not realize how loud I was being. I had assumed with only Josef and myself on this floor I would not wake anyone. Besides, Josef could sleep through another civil war.”
“Actually, my bedchamber is on this floor as well, being only my townhome. I have my own passage to it from my study.”
“I see. I will remember to be quieter in the future.” Her eyes dropped down to his neck, now bare from lack of a cravat. His banyan was secured just below by a small tie, but she could just see a trace of chest hair, dark and curly, peeking out above and barely restrained herself from reaching up to touch it.
Her fingers twitching, she swallowed. This wouldn’t do at all.
Realizing she was still in his grasp, Olivia started to back away. “Well, Cyrus, I’ll just be going now. Goodnight.”
Olivia turned and started to walk away, when suddenly she was pulled from behind into a dark corner. A firm hand went about her waist and another covered her mouth. She peeked up to see His Grace—Cyrus—behind her. He nodded and shot his eyes to the stairs, then slowly lowered his hand from her mouth and slipped it around her waist as well.
Before Olivia could say anything, she heard what sounded like chatter coming up the stairway. Squinting, she recognized a young footman she’d seen earlier with a maid she did not know. They appeared to be having a lively, though whispered discussion, when suddenly the footman leaned in and kissed the girl. The girl jerked back suddenly and slapped him, but her ire did not last long as she immediately giggled at his shocked expression and flitted her eyelashes in flirtatious apology. Seemingly recovered, he reached for her and chased her back down the stairs, the girl squealing as she ran.
Waiting just a breath to make sure they were gone, Olivia and Cyrus then broke out into muffled laughter.
“Perhaps I need to walk the halls at night more often. Apparently, my household is prone to disorder.”
It was the first time Olivia had heard him laugh all evening—in many years to be exact. She liked the sound of it just as much as she remembered. Even more so, she liked the feel of his arms around her, which he still had not relinquished. And the heat he was emanating from behind…she knew her chemise was thin, but he was so warm—wait, was there nothing underneath his banyan? That would explain it, but, oh my... She was glad she was not facing him because her face was now on fire as well.
She took a deep breath. “If you’d be so kind as to direct me to the library, I’ll be on my way.”
After a pause, he released her from his grasp. “Even better idea, why don’t I show you myself?”
Cyrus had no explanation for his behavior. His initial annoyance at finding Olivia roaming the halls, his halls, had given way to curiosity. For some inexplicable reason, he had grabbed her and found he did not want to let her go.
That realization only furthered his annoyance. What was wrong with him?
And why, when they’d hid just now, did his annoyance grow at her overly frilly dressing gown? As he’d had his arms around her, he’d wanted to rip those large white frills off right then and there.
And then why had he just insisted to show her the library?
All questions that he had no answers for.
As they descended the stairs, Cyrus asked, “What was that tune you were humming?”
“Hmm? Oh, that. It was a piece by Mozart. Oh, how I shall miss the concerts in Vienna! And playing myself. Perhaps I can talk Aunt Elizabeth into keeping a pianoforte at her house, even if it is only for a short time.” Olivia clamped her mouth shut. She hated that she rambled when she was nervous.
“Are you planning to leave London then?”
Reaching the end of the stairs, Cyrus took her by the elbow and steered her to the right and through a set of doors. The library was tall and filled with books floor to ceiling. There was a sliding ladder both to the right and left of the room. At the far end was an enormous window dark from the night and a soft fire had been left burning in the large fireplace.
Olivia stopped in her tracks, looking wide-eyed all around. “Oh, I can’t wait for Josef to see this! He will absolutely love it! Maybe Charles can share his enthusiasm.”
“Charles? Oh, yes, I will be gone in the morning.” Cyrus felt a pang of jealousy. Seeing the wonder on Olivia’s face, he realized he wanted to be there when Josef first saw it as well. But he had already made arrangements for an early morning meeting and could not change his plans at this late of a notice.
Walking across the plush rug in front of the fireplace, Olivia wanted to curl up here and read until morning. But Cyrus was here and she felt an old familiar yearning that resulted in a sense of urgency to select a book quickly and get back to her room. Suddenly flustered, she quickly scanned some titles and selected one that sounded remotely interes
“There, this will do. Thank you for leading the way here. I can find my way back on my own, I believe.”
Cyrus raised a dark brow. “When there are crazed footmen about? Nonsense, I’ll take you back myself.”
Olivia allowed Cyrus to lead her up the stairs with his hand to the small of her back, not surprised that it, too, now burned.
“You never answered my question earlier. Are you again planning to leave London?”
Was he hoping she would? Perhaps his annoyance at her was more than just the fact that Elizabeth had dumped them here. Stop worrying!
“Oh, not at all. I plan to stay in London, but not to live with Aunt Elizabeth forever. I don’t want to be a burden to her, especially now knowing of her recent marriage.”
“I’m sure Elizabeth doesn’t see you as a burden. All she’s talked about for years was your family returning, and then most recently wanting you to live with her.”
“You may be right, but I also have Josef to think of.”
“Josef? What does he have to do with Elizabeth? She adores children, or at least she gushes every time she tells me of the newest babe born to one of her friends.”
“I…” Olivia wasn’t prepared for the barrage of questions coming from this man who had not been a part of her life for several years.
“Forgive me, I don’t mean to pry. I just want to make sure you have what you need to be settled here. Elizabeth would likely never recover if you left her again.” Heaven knows he would never hear the end of it if Olivia left again. Elizabeth would likely blame him for it.
That’s why Cyrus was concerned, wasn’t it? Because of Elizabeth?
Olivia laughed softly, “Yes, Aunt Elizabeth would have my neck. And I don’t mind the questions, Cyrus. Josef has everything to do with it, you see. You know my aunt’s…abilities, shall we say, to make connections for people? Josef needs a father-figure in his life, so part of my reasoning for returning to London was to use her help in finding that for him.
Cyrus blinked. Elizabeth was well known for making love matches, not finding role-models—oh. Olivia was intending to… “And you would simply marry whomever your aunt recommends?”